Kristus pred Kaifášom
Výjav v západnej časti chodby je silne poškodený. Zachovala sa z neho prakticky iba časť na pravej strane. Znázorňuje časť postavy sediacej na vyvýšenom mieste, vyvýšenom sokli a stojaca postava muža. Jasným detailom výjavu je pes, ktorý sa v naratívnych neskorogotických pašiových výjavoch objavoval veľmi často.
Maľba vznikla podobne ako výjav Ukrižovania na náprotivnej strane chodby začiatkom 16. storočia a ich autor sa inšpiroval v dobovej grafike napr. Albrechta Altdorfera. Obidve maľby mohli vzniknúť pri úpravách kláštora a kostola po požiari v roku 1485. Podľa zmienky levočského kronikára Gašpara Haina, mohol ich objednať bohatý mešťan a svokor majstra Pavla, Melchior Messingschläger. Ako kostolný otec (Kirchenvater) bol mestskou radou poverený dozorom a starostlivosťou nad farským Kostolom sv. Jakuba i špitálnym Kostolom Ducha Svätého. Zrejme z vlastnej iniciatívy sa postaral aj o obnovu kostola a kláštora bratov minoritov.
Christ Before Caiaphas
The scene in the western part of the corridor is severely damaged. Practically, only a segment of it on the right side was preserved. It shows a part of a figure sitting on a raised spot, a raised plinth, and a standing figure of a man. A clear detail of the scene is a dog, which appeared in narrative late Gothic Passion scenes very often.
The mural was created, like the scene of the Crucifixion on the opposite side of the corridor, at the beginning of the 16th century, and their author was inspired by graphics of that time, e.g. by Albrecht Altdorfer. Both murals could have been created during the alterations of the monastery and the church after the fire in 1485. According to the mention by Levoča chronicler Caspar Hain, they could have been ordered by the rich burgher and the father-in-law of the sculptor Master Paul – Melchior Messingschläger. As a church father (Kirchenvater), he was entrusted by the city council with the supervision and care of the Parish Church of St. James and the Hospital Church of the Holy Spirit. Probably, on his own initiative, he also took care of the restoration of the church and the monastery of the Minorite Brothers.